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October 9 they returned, bringing the record of the sinking of the Proteus, and the intelligence that there were about 1300 rations at, or near Cape Sabine.Greely gave daily a lecture on geography of an hour or more each man related, as best he could, the striking facts about his own State and apply online mortgage home loan city and, indeed, every device that ingenuity could suggest, was employed to divert their minds and wile away the lagging hours.' Brainard immediately drew himself up to the position of the soldier, and was about to salute, when Colwell took apply online mortgage home loan his hand.His jaw had dropped, his eyes were open, but fixed and glassy, his limbs were motionless.So the Greely expedition was made apply online mortgage home loan an adjunct to the signal service, which in its turn is one of the bureaus of the War Department.MARIE BEGINNINGS OF NAVIGATION BY SAILS DE LA SALLE AND THE GRIFFIN RECOLLECTIONS OF EARLY LAKE SEAMEN THE LAKES AS A HIGHWAY FOR WESTWARD EMIGRATION THE FIRST STEAMBOAT EFFECT OF MINERAL DISCOVERIES ON LAKE SUPERIOR THE ORE CARRYING FLEET THE WHALEBACKS THE SEAMEN OF THE LAKES THE GREAT CANAL AT THE SOO THE CHANNEL TO BUFFALO BARRED OUT FROM THE OCEAN.It is doubtful if any polar expedition was ever more circumstantially planned none has resulted more disastrously, save Sir John Franklin's last voyage.Within there were books apply online mortgage home loan and games, and through the long winter night the officers beguiled the time with lectures and reading.Peary, U.Even after reaching Cape Sabine he might have taken to the boats and made his way southward to apply online mortgage home loan safety, for he says himself that open water was in sight but the cheering news brought by Rice of a supply of provisions, and the promise left by Garlington, that all that men could do would be done for his rescue, led him to halt his journey at Cape Sabine, and go into winter quarters in the firm conviction that already another vessel was on the way to aid him.October 2 enough for thirty five days remained, and at the request of the men, Greely so changed the ration as to provide for forty five days.
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