Baptist church oregon
He threw himself heartily into all their philanthropical schemes the promotion of Sunday schools, the agitation for the abolition of negro slavery, and the newly reawakened zeal for foreign missions.To this principle he faithfully adhered in baptist church oregon all his original poems.To that son we are indebted for the very interesting biography of Thomas Scott, a biography in which filial piety has not tempted the writer to lose sight of good sense and honesty, and which is therefore not a mere panegyric, but a true and vivid account of its subject.For this miserable stipend he officiated four baptist church oregon times every Sunday in two churches, between which he had to walk fourteen miles, and ministered daily to a most disheartening class of patients in a hospital.His change from London to Aston Sandford, if it was not a remunerative, was at least a refreshing change.'His tutor and friend, baptist church oregon Mr.* * * * * If pilgrimages formed part of the Evangelical course, the little town or large village of Olney should have attracted as many pilgrims as S.Only it should be distinctly borne in mind that the main work of his life cannot be separated from his baptist church oregon Evangelical principles.The two brothers, Joseph and Isaac Milner, were both in their different ways very notable men.' But at Olney his unpopularity redounded to baptist church oregon his credit.
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